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මෙම බ්ලොග් අඩවියට නවක ඇඩ්මින් වරුන් අවශ්‍ය කර තිබේ.
ඇඩ්මින් වරයෙක් වීමට කැමති නම් ඊ-මේල් මගින් හෝ බ්ලොගයේ comment කිරීමෙන් හෝ ෆේස්බුක් මගින් හෝ දන්වන්න.

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About the game:
In 2030, war erupts on the Mediterranean islands of Altis (formerly Lemnos) and Stratis, killing half of the civilian population, rendering thousands of them homeless, and causing a refugee crisis. Under harsh conditions, NATO peacekeeping forces deploy to the region to secure peace and establish joint NATO–Altian Armed Forces (AAF) bases on the islands.
Five years later, with NATO investment in the Aegean dwindling, the Canton-Protocol Strategic Alliance Treaty (CSAT), a military alliance of eastern hemisphere countries, begins subsidizing the AAF and mobilizes its own forces in the Pacific. Facing political pressure to withdraw at the end of their peacekeeping mandate, NATO begins reducing their forces causing tensions to rise between AAF and NATO forces.

Episode 1 – Survive

By July 2035, After the Bloody Civil War between FIA And AAF,the AAF have control of most of the two islands. NATO has nearly finished dismantling its equipment and bases, and a few infantry units and a helicopter group are left in Stratis. The NATO commander is called to the Kamino Firing Range for unknown reasons. While working on the island, U.S. soldiers Corporal Ben Kerry and Staff Sergeant Adams are also sent to Kamino by the commander of the nearby Camp Rogain. Eventually, they find their commander dead and AAF forces suddenly attack the remaining NATO forces, causing command elements to fall and severing communication with the outside world. Before they can rally with other survivors, Adams is killed by a landmine, forcing Kerry to continue alone.
After arriving at a decommissioned NATO camp, British special forces led by Captain Scott Miller takes command and the survivors attempt a number of missions on the island, but are met with limited success. Miller manages to contact NATO MEDCOM and arranges for a re-invasion of Stratis. He splits his forces into four squads, Alpha through Delta, and begins a mission to clear a path for the invasion. The operation appears to be a success as AAF forces retreat, but it goes wrong when CSAT forces arrive to back them up.
Captain Miller reveals the operation's real goal was never to retake the island, but instead, to evacuate the survivors from Stratis. Surviving NATO forces escape Stratis by boat and make for the island of Altis. Kerry is frustrated by Miller's deceit, but Miller only divulges that on arrival they will link up with a local loyalist group called the FIA. Suddenly, AAF attack jets arrive and capsize the boats.

Episode 2 – Adapt

On Altis, Kerry wakes up and finds himself in a skirmish between the FIA and the AAF-CSAT forces. He later reunites with Miller and his team and is taken to the FIA. He is given charge of a guerrilla squad and he does numerous missions in Altis. Later on, they learn that NATO will be invading the island through the main airport. The FIA plan to assist NATO by attacking a smaller airfield, drawing forces away from the main one. Meanwhile, Kerry's squad destroys a nearby artillery position controlled by CSAT special forces before withdrawing back to airfield which the FIA had managed to capture.
En route, they witness NATO gunships fire upon the airfield and Kerry is informed that NATO forces have mistakenly engaged the FIA in the airfield. Confused, Kerry approaches a downed gunship, the pilot of which is shocked to hear they had been firing at friendly forces. The pilot radios his superior, which promptly orders NATO to disengage their attack on the FIA-held airfield. The NATO commanding officer, Colonel Armstrong, meets with Kerry and tells him that they were unaware of the FIA's activities on the island. When Kerry asks about Captain Miller, Armstrong responds that he has no knowledge of 'Scott Miller' and tells Kerry that British forces moved off from Stratis many months ago. Confused by what he has heard, Kerry boards a helicopter to be debriefed.

Episode 3 – Win

Kerry meets with the NATO commander Colonel Armstrong, call sign "Crossroads", and learns they failed to capture the Altis airport. Crossroads says that Captain Miller is to be considered hostile until further notice, and he sends Kerry to the front line on Altis. While on patrol one night, CSAT launches a counter-offensive against NATO positions near the airport. After receiving Crossroads' approval, Kerry links up with the FIA and leads a squad. After repelling the counter-offensive, NATO launches an assault on the airport and secures it right before an earthquake hits the island. Tectonic activity increases, and NATO continues their assault on Altis, taking the capital before launching a final effort to wipe out the AAF. Crossroads again warns Kerry to avoid Cpt. Miller or any of his team. While NATO is on the brink of defeating the AAF, Kerry is contacted by Lt. James, one of Miller's squad members. Here, the player must make a decision: join NATO for the final offensive or disobey and find Lt. James.
If the player chooses to regroup with NATO, Kerry scouts and marks artillery and CAS supports so friendly forces can move in. Shortly after the assault begins, the AAF unconditionally surrenders. Six weeks later, life on Altis has returned to normal, albeit with heavy NATO and private military company presence. Kerry, now promoted to Sergeant, is tasked to escort a journalist. On the way, the journalist asks Kerry about his involvement in the Stratis incident. Hiding what he knows about Captain Miller or anything that had happened, Kerry tells about his behavior during the NATO withdrawal. Shortly after arriving, Crossroads calls Kerry back to base to help deal with a 'situation', and the story ends.
If the player chooses to look for James, Kerry finds him alone and wounded. Just before dying, James orders him to find a truck loaded with a special device and take it to Miller. Fighting through CSAT special forces, he brings the device to Miller. The device is revealed to be a tectonic weapon responsible for the recent tremors, and it is implied that Miller had caused the incident on Stratis. It is also revealed that he provided misinformation to the FIA, and caused the failure of the first NATO invasion attempt on Altis, all in an effort to buy time to acquire the device.
CSAT launches a massive invasion and Crossroads orders all NATO forces into tactical withdrawal. Miller tells Kerry that he will come back for him and to stay put while he and his team take the device off the island. After some time, Kerry contacts Miller, but Miller replies that with the invasion it will be impossible to come back for him. Kerry's fate is left in the hands of the player: he can either escape from the island by boat or helicopter, with or without friendly forces, or die trying.
මේ ලින්ක් ටිකත්,  100% ක් විශ්වාස ලින්ක්. මම චෙක් කරලා බලලා දෙන්නේ. ඒ නිසා අනිවාරෙන් වැඩ කරනවා. මෙම ලින්ක් භාවිත කිරීමේදීකිසිදු redirect වීමක් සිදු නොවේකිසිදු දැන්වීම් පල කිරීමක් සිදු නොකෙරේ.වෙනත් වෙබ් අඩවිවලට යෑමට අවශ් නැතලින්ක් එක ක්ලික් කරන්නඑසැනින් ඔබට අවශ් ගොනුව බාගත වේ.

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Arma 3 Minimum System Requirements:

  • OS – Windows 7 / Vista.
  • CPU – Intel Core i5 or AMD Athlon Phenom X4 or faster.
  • GPU – Nvidia Geforce GTX 260 or ATI Radeon HD 5770, shader Model 3 and 896 MB VRAM, or faster.
  • RAM – 2 GB.
  • HDD – 15 GB free space.
  • DVD – Dual Layer compatible.
  • DirectX® – 10.

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Please note that, I do not recommend downloading cracks. Try to use genuine softwares. Thank You.
මෙම බ්ලොග් අඩවියේ, නීත්‍යානුකූල නොවන (crack) මෘදුකාන්ග පිළිඹදව සදහන් කර ඇත. නමුත් හැකිතාක් නීත්‍යානුකූල මෘදුකාන්ග භාවිතා කරන මෙන් පාඨකයන්ගෙන් ඉල්ලා සිටිමි.

බ්ලොග් පාඨකයන් වෙත,
මෙම බ්ලොග් අඩවියේ ඇති ඕනෑම ලින්ක් එකක ගැටලුවක් වෙතොත් කරුණාකර කොමෙන්ට් කිරීමෙන් හෝ ඊ මේල මගින් ඇඩ්මින් වරයෙකු වෙත දන්වන මෙන් ඉල්ලා සිටිමි.
ඒ හැර වෙනත් ඔබගේ යෝජනා හෝ චෝදනා වෙතොත් ඒවාද දන්වන මෙන් ඉල්ලා සිටිමි.

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